
Over the last decade or so I’ve spent an increasing amount of my time making noise in various ways and places about disability awareness, disability rights and justice, accessibility, mental health, invisible illnesses, combating stigma, pushing for better representation and equity and equality for all humans, with a specific focus on the disabled community.


photo by 🔳

Most of the work that I do in this arena is unpaid; it is work that I do because it matters deeply to me, impacts me personally, and absolutely lights my fire. That said, I would like to say that disabled folk, as much as anyone else, deserve to be paid for their work. My work should not be held up as an example of how disabled folk should work for free for causes we care about or that matter to us.

With that in mind, if you appreciate the work that I do and would like to support it and me, you can Buy Me A Coffee or become a Patron.